A Tribute to Dinu Lipatti

A Tribute to Dinu Lipatti

Much of my focus in the field of historical recordings the last three decades has been with the legendary Romanian pianist Dinu Lipatti, who has had a cult following since even before his tragically early death and in the many following decades. I wrote here about my introduction to Lipatti and how I became fascinated with his playing and decided to start researching the existence of private and broadcast recordings.

In 2017 for the centenary of his birth, I appeared in a few different radio programs devoted to Lipatti: on the BBC in London, on WBAI in New York, and on KZSU in Stanford. The latter program was recorded and I made a YouTube video that includes photographs as well as occasional documents pertaining to the topic of discussion. Despite some sonic challenges (my voice is quite weak on the telephone connection – and I could hear almost nothing of host Gary Lemco if we happened to say something at the same time because the volume from his side was so low), we had an opportunity to present a lot about Lipatti and his artistry – including some material broadcast for the first time in North America.

Here is the YouTube video of the broadcast, featuring two hours of combined Lipatti performances and discussion together with relevant photographs and documents, some of which have not been published: